Unfortunately, a typical scenario for many companies is as follows:
- Star employee is promoted to new supervisor position as reward for performance and loyalty.
- New supervisor is told there is no formal training program (OJT) and doesn't fully understand his or her new job duties.
- New supervisor struggles with the job and knows it isn't going well.
- Supervisor is demoted, or worse yet, is fired for non-performance.
- Employer just lost an outstanding performer and it is the Company's own fault.
But...there is a happy ending to this story!
With training, the new supervisor can walk through the theory and
the practical applications of managing employees. The new skills learned
will allow the lead, supervisor or manager to reach his or her full
potential with immediate results. It isn't that the new manager doesn't
care it's that he/she doesn't know. That is what training is all
about teaching people who want to know but don't.
Training Options
Management can develop appropriate training programs for all levels within the organization. Such training can be specific to leads, first-time supervisors, seasoned supervisors as well mid-level and top management. Some examples of training plans available are:
- Hiring Employees with Values
- Motivating Employees for Achievement
- Discipline without Anger or Resentment
- Identifying and Preventing Harassment in the Workplace
- Effective Communication (management & employees)
- Conflict Management
- Workforce Diversity/Team Building
- Compensation Management
- How to Get Others to Embrace Positive Customer Service
- Situational Leadership
- and Many More
How Workshops Are Conducted    
As the workshop leader, Paul Schaber uses an interactive style of instruction. He isn't a lecturer nor is he one who simply recites what you can read on your own. He asks questions, provides examples, uses videos and other media presentations, uses humor and whit to make a point and always gets individuals to participate in their learning. When finished, participants will know what to do and how to do it.