Increasing benefit costs require constant vigil to be sure your benefit dollars are wisely spent. Your benefits dollars are too hard-earned to be frittered away on benefits not used or worse…not appreciated. As an independent agent, The Management Trust works closely with brokers to search for the best combination of program benefits and cost to fit your employee benefits budget. These programs have broadened considerably over the years and now encompass the following:
The Management Trust can assist you in reviewing your current employee benefits plan to see if it accomplishes your overall goals. Does your plan provide the highest degree of protection for your employees your company can afford? Does your agent/broker service your account actively? If no, or you are not sure, maybe we should talk about your overall employee compensation goals. The discussion could be one of the most important ones you will have all year.
Medical/Dental/Vision/Prescription Drug Plans
- Fully insured plans with various levels of managed care
- PPO/HMO/EPO/Others
- Self-funded with risk-management for small employers
- Varying levels of stop-loss coverage
Life/AD&D insurance for employees and dependents
- Your employees can benefit from Employer paid or employee-paid
- Supplemental insurance
- Life insurance is an inexpensive benefit
Short-term and Long-term disability insurance
- Short-term disability as a way to insure absenteeism
- Long-term disability to protect income in case of accident or illness
Cafeteria/Section 125 Flexible Spending Accounts
- Company and employee savings
- ndividual/Company Savings
- Dependent Care Account
- Health Care Spending Account
- Premium Only Account
Long Term Care
Long-term Care has become a new benefit for employees to fund their own future care needs or those of others in their immediate family. An Aunt/Uncle, Father/Mother or Brother/Sister can be the focus of a long-term care policy. You can help protect the assets of you, your spouse or family member as well as provide for the security of a loved one unable to care for himself or herself. This can be accomplished through group coverage or by individual policies for your employees.The Management Trust can assist you in reviewing your current employee benefits plan to see if it accomplishes your overall goals. Does your plan provide the highest degree of protection for your employees your company can afford? Does your agent/broker service your account actively? If no, or you are not sure, maybe we should talk about your overall employee compensation goals. The discussion could be one of the most important ones you will have all year.